July 30 2023
Truly soom insidious thing seem to be going on. I look forward to getting settled into a sort of routine in Santiago. Be my own person. Gain some consciousness rid myself of this brain fog. I think God afflicted me so that I would learn how to take care of myself. To understand that so noble is the pursuit of health. If health is the priority all falls into place. I am learning to love this fight. We must push ourselves. Someone that prefers mediocrity is far more my enemy than some violent neighbor. Does it all boil down to honor? I hope to dream clearly soon. To see more clearly. I am forgetting about all this shit that does not matter. Clothes, women, whatever. It will fall into place once I have myself. Immigration really is such a huge issue. Blah blah blah.
Chile has shown me that greatness will by no means return. The streets of valparaiso show traces of some great euro influence. Even the slums are beautiful. Everything was eerily empty this sunday. The best dressed were the africans, just done with church it seemed. Besides that one instance they were surely in the minority. I need to master my command of media. To be a fighter pilot or mercenary or physicist its all noble but is it why i'm here? I need ot understand what these big problems are with the world. Does roger a------n? It seems to be that he's actually rather pathetic besides his probable billions. Still a path in the more dynamic institutions will be where I make my mark. I can tell that our elders actually have always been wise, especially imparting wisdom that was imparted to them. They dont understand perhaps how greatly this world is changing though. I fear that we literally will become sterilized as humanity. I am here on this earth to witness the fall of the West. I cant even print my handwriting neatly. Cant even focus on a wall. The slums were empty though. It was eerie expecting danger which would not come. The stray dogs were worse than anything else. I notice how as disagreeable as cats are, as stray cat wont really pose any threat. I thought it was smog, indeed in the daytime it quite seemed much. But out to get water I was greatly energized by what seemed to just be fog. I walked the train tracks back to the wave breakers.