I just really need to work on just going for no hesitation. No I will do this two days from now. It's not preserving energy to release it later it's just suffocating yourself. its just its just its so much better to just send it all out there how could you possibly be ashamed about that
Today (Sep 1 2023) I absolutely goofed on a homework assignment... hopefully i pass this class I haven't been this worried in a bit But it'll be alright I'm sure... I think things will work out. Exam wednesday but I will be 90 percent on my way to having a job by then... It really does seem like I may be able to join big oil or some other sort of trading company. It sseems so ridiculous the elites that control everything. and the thing is if you work a normal amount of hard you can barely tell how much worse its getting, but its really just going to shit so quickly the wealth is being redistributed so thinly. I need to find male frends who agree with me in this regard.. i need to fix my physiognimy... fix the brain fog candida whatever it may be i think it's fixable!!!
I sit at excel like a retard for like an hour and a half. I've really been getting a kick out of twitter but while it's less entrancing than instagram I need real human connection at the end of the day. I'm thinking about exercising less. I think darko velcek may have been right about this, that it's better to just manifest larger muscles; it's terribly inneficient to destroy them to build them back up. Is it just black genetics that enable them? I think it might be a mindest thing too that really helps. Slavery of course would've been eugenic to select for the strongest to a great extent... they dont talk about this too much.Â
I think caffeine is helping a lot and that it may indeed be similar to thyriod. Got to got to fix the thyroid.